The Nuts And Bolts Of Compliance With The Family And Medical Leave Act
December 11, 2014 - 8:30 AM - 11:00 AM - Schwartz Hannum PC
The Family and Medical Leave Act imposes significant obligations on employers. Compliance with the FMLA requires sophisticated understanding of the FMLA’s intersection with other laws. Are your FMLA policy and compliance process up to these challenges?
Topics will include:
- Covered employers and covered employees
- Leave for same-sex spouses
- Types of leave available under the FMLA
- Employers’ obligations and employees’ obligations
- Challenges with intermittent leave
- Definition of In Loco Parentis
- Overlaps and intersections with other laws (e.g., state leave laws, workers’ compensation laws, and the ADA)
- Compliance strategies
- Practical implementation steps
- Real world hypothetical examples
Attendees will receive comprehensive guidance and practical compliance tips on all aspects of the Family and Medical Leave Act and the related regulations.