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Training Sessions:

Diversity, Sensitivity, Anti-Harassment: It’s Not Just About Sex Anymore
One-On-One Harassment Seminar



Diversity, Sensitivity, Anti-Harassment: It’s Not Just About Sex Anymore

You train your employees on the consequences of sexual harassment, so you have nothing to worry about, right?  Wrong!  Harassment claims of all types (sex, religion, race, etc.) have risen to dramatic new levels, and so, too, have the total settlement amounts paid to victims of workplace harassment.

Employers should now train their employees on the value of a diverse workforce, as well as the importance of recognizing differences in others.  From a business perspective, the goal is to employ a productive and satisfied workforce.  From a legal perspective, the goal is to avoid litigation. Understanding what constitutes sexual (and other) harassment can be difficult for many managers and employees.

The goal of this seminar is to educate employers on the value of diversity and ways to avoid exposure to claims of harassment, while examining factors that tend to create a hostile work environment.  The program focuses on identifying and preventing harassment and includes:


  • Information on the number and types of charges filed at the EEOC;
  • Defining quid pro quo sexual harassment;
  • Defining hostile work environment harassment;
  • Examples of actions that may create a hostile work environment;
  • Risky subjects in the workplace;
  • Conduct that may create a risky work environment;
  • Personal and professional consequences of workplace harassment;
  • Prohibition against retaliation; and
  • Critical equal employment opportunity and harassment policies.

Schwartz Hannum includes this important program in the Employment Law Boot Camp that is offered twice a year at the Firm.  In addition, we regularly conduct this seminar at our client’s workplaces and we are happy to tailor the program to meet the specific objectives of individual clients.

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One-On-One Harassment Seminar

Today’s employer is increasingly at risk for the actions of its employees, particularly those employees in supervisory and managerial roles.  Sometimes, employees engage in inappropriate conduct despite adequate training and well-drafted policies. For some employees, the only way to convey the seriousness of workplace harassment is through one-on-one harassment seminars.

The goal of this personalized one-on-one seminar is to educate the employee on the value of diversity, while examining factors that tend to create a hostile work environment.  The seminar focuses on identifying and preventing harassment and includes:

  • Defining hostile work environment harassment;
  • Examples of actions that may create a hostile work environment;
  • Risky subjects in the workplace;
  • Conduct that may create a risky work environment;
  • Personal and professional consequences of workplace harassment;
  • Prohibition against retaliation; and
  • Critical equal employment opportunity and harassment policies.

In addition to offering our One-On-One Harassment Seminar at the Firm’s offices, we are available to present this seminar at clients’ workplaces.

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